Performance Highlights

  • Included in the "TWSE Corporate Governance 100 Index" for constituent stocks for 10 consecutive years.
  • Included in the “FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index” for constituent stocks for 5 consecutive years.
  • Included in the “TWSE RAFI® Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index” for constituent stocks for 11 consecutive years.
  • Included in the " TWSE RA Taiwan Employment Creation 99 Index " for constituent stocks for 4 consecutive years.
  • Ranked in the top 5% or top 6%~20% of companies in corporate governance evaluation for 10 consecutive years.
  • Won the Gold and Silver Report of the "TCSA Taiwan Enterprise Sustainability Award" for 6 consecutive years.
  • Recognized as the "Excellent Group for Promoting Youth Volunteer Service" by the Ministry of Education for 6 consecutive times.
  • Recognized as the "Excellent Utilization Unit for Volunteer Service in Education" by the Ministry of Education for 2 times.
  • Won the "Sports Promoter Award - Long-term Sponsorship Award" issued by the Ministry of Education for 3 times.
  • Received the "Healthy Workplace Certification Mark" issued by the Health Promotion Administration, MOHW for 6 consecutive times.
  • Selected as one of the top 100 winners of the Sustainable Citizens Award issued by the CommonWealth Magazine for 3 consecutive years.
  • Selected as one of the top 100 Carbon Competitiveness by the Business Weekly for 2 consecutive years.
  • Awarded the "Outstanding Performance" in the Corporate Carbon Reduction Thermometer by CommonWealth Magazine for 2 consecutive years.
  • Awarded "Taiwan iSports Certification" issued by Ministry of Education for 2 times.
  • Awarded the "Procurement Award" of Buying Power Social Innovation Product and Service issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs for 2 times.
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Awards & Recognition




2024 Temperature Rising Index for Pathways (CommonWealth Magazine)



Top 100 Carbon Competitiveness  (Business Weekly)

2023 "Procurement Award" of Buying Power Social Innovation Product & Service

2023 Taiwan iSports Certification award

2023 Excellence Award for Promoting Workplace Gender Equality

2023 Excellent Utilization Unit for Volunteer Service in Education Award

2023 Youth Volunteer Outstanding Utilization Unit Award

2022 Social Education Contribution Award

2022 Sports Promoter Award - Long-term Sponsorship Award

Bronze Award for the 2022 CHR-Corporate Health Responsibility

Healthy Workplace Certification Mark



Top 100 winners of the 2023 Sustainable Citizens Award

Gold Report of the “2023 TCSA Taiwan Enterprise Sustainability Award”

2023 Taiwan Best-in-Class 100

2022 Taiwan Top 100 Best-Performing Business Leaders ranked by the Harvard Business Review

Ranked in the top 5% of companies in corporate governance evaluation

Included in the "TWSE Corporate Governance 100 Index" for constituent stocks

Included in the “TWSE RAFI® Taiwan High Compensation 100 Index” for constituent stocks

Included in the “FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index” for constituent stocks

Included in the " TWSE RA Taiwan Employment Creation 99 Index " for constituent stocks





Sustainable Commitment



ISO 9001 Quality Management System

ISO 14001 Environmental management system

ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management system

ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System

ISO 50001 Energy Management System

ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse Gas Management System, Scope 1, 2, 3

Authorized Economic Operator,AEO

Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System,TIPS



Quality Policy

Human Rights Policy

Anti-Corruption, Anti-Bribery Commitment

Novatek Supplier Code of Conduct

Environment Policy

AEO Policy

Intellectual Property Management

Risk Management Policy

Declaration of Biological Diversity




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Teamwork and wholeheartedly working in the interests of our customers constitute the Novatek business philosophy. Novatek and its suppliers are always looking for better and more consummate technology and methods, striving to meet customer needs and expectations. In addition, to meet with international environmental protection laws and customer requirements for environmental protection, Novatek has also established a green product management system that has been recognized by major international manufacturers. We continue to strengthen and improve our sustainable supply chain management, assisting suppliers in obtaining relevant ISO management system certifications. In 2023, Novatek issued the "Novatek Supplier Code of Conduct" and required its suppliers to comply and sign. Additionally, the Company promotes carbon management among suppliers, working together with supply chain partners to set sustainable business goals. Furthermore, we strive to provide high-quality customer services, improving customer satisfaction year by year. Novatek regards suppliers and customers as strategic partners, and looks forward to creating a win-win ecosystem through joint cooperation and efforts. 


As an important member of the global supply chain for semiconductor products, Novatek has the obligation to assume the responsibility for environmental sustainability. Through the formulation and implementation of environmental safety and health policies, as well as the continuous promotion of greenhouse gas inventory, business activities that affect the environment, safety and health must meet the requirements of laws and regulations. Novatek is committed to reducing the negative impact of business operation on the environment. For this reason, the design and manufacturing of products are in compliance with the environmental protection regulations and energy-saving trends around the world, offering products that comply with customers’ environmental protection and energy-saving requirements. As a result, the revenue of energy-saving products has been growing year by year. Novatek has declared its renewable energy usage goal and achieved a renewable energy utilization rate of 7.8% in 2023. In addition to sponsoring the maintenance of the "Yushan National Park Trails and Facilities" for many years, Novatek also continues to sponsor the "Sea Viewing Park" in the Hsinchu Air Quality Purification Zone, gathering corporate volunteers to jointly protect the environment. In the future, Novatek’s keystone goal of sustainable development will include continuing to strive for the refinement of product design, and bringing out more energy-saving products with low burden on the environment, thereby making a contribution to the sustainable development of the environment.





Invested approximately NT$16.21 million in energy-saving and carbon-reduction programs, resulting in a 1.03% growth in the electricity-saving rate. The overall electricity savings can provide electricity to meet the needs of approximately 2,576 households for 1 year.

1.66 GWh 

The average energy consumption of main products in 2023 decreased by 4.2% compared to 2022, resulting in a reduction of approximately 16.6 GWh of electricity. The electricity savings can provide electricity to meet the needs of approximately 4,610 households for 1 year.


33% of the revenue

Invested NT$4.394 billion in the R&D of energy-saving products, generating an annual revenue of over NT$36.3 billion, which accounts for 33% of the total revenue.

7.8% Green energy

Throughout the year, a total of 3.022 GWh of green energy was obtained, achieving a renewable energy utilization rate of 7.8%.



Novatek has always adhered to the principle of local procurement. In 2023, the Company's procurement amount in Taiwan exceeded NT$32.4 billion.


In 2023, the water intake increased by 1,634 cubic meters compared to the previous year, mainly due to an increase in the number of employees, increased electricity demand, and rising temperatures. However, the per capita water saving rate reached 3.81%. The annual water-saving program saved a total of 7,302 cubic meters (1,000 L) of water, equivalent to the daily water consumption of 7,302 households.


ISO 50001

ISO 50001 Energy Management System passed third-party verification and obtained certification in July.

1.33 million 

The amount of gold recovered from discarded driver ICs reached 61 kg, which is equivalent to recycling 1.33 million mobile phones.


Air Quality 

In addition to sponsoring the maintenance of Yushan National Park Trails and Facilities for 17 consecutive years, Novatek also sponsored the Sea Viewing Park in the Hsinchu Air Quality Purification Zone for 2 consecutive years. Additionally, three rounds of beach cleanups were conducted.

Green Building 

The Tai Yuen Building was awarded the "Green Building Label (Silver Level)" by the Ministry of the Interior


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Talent is not only an asset of a company, but also the foundation for its sustainable development. Novatek’s achievements today rely on high-quality human resources. The importance that Novatek attaches to professional expertise is fully reflected in the workplace environment and conditions provided by the Company. Novatek has not only been awarded the "Healthy Workplace Certification Mark" by the Health Promotion Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) for six consecutive years, but also received the “2023 Taiwan iSports Certification” from the Ministry of Education, and the “Excellence Award for Promoting Workplace Gender Equality in 2023” from the Hsinchu Science Park Bureau. The Company has been consistently selected as constituent stocks for the "Taiwan High Compensation (HC) 100 Index" published by the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE). The Company also continues to implement childcare allowances and work from home for parenting, demonstrating its commitment to not only offering highly competitive salary and benefits packages to attract and retain talent, but also emphasizing the physical and mental health, personal growth, and work-life balance of its employees. This is all aimed at promoting sustainable development for the Company's talent. Apart from that, harmonious labor relations are also beneficial to the Company’s long-term stable development. The diverse communication mechanisms that exist within Novatek allow our employees’ opinions to be heard, and the responsible unit to quickly respond to those opinions, thereby constructing an excellent barrier-free communication culture and an open and enlightened working atmosphere. In addition, Novatek is committed to ensuring a safe workplace, that employees are treated with respect and dignity, and that operations are environmentally friendly and ethical. To fulfill this commitment, Novatek has formulated a human rights policy and promoted gender equality and friendliness, clearly defined various human rights protection norms and guidelines, and conducted a complete investigation process to ensure that its code of conduct is consistent with the "Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct".


Novatek adheres to the spirit of social citizenship and the belief of “take from society, give back to society”, engages in social welfare activities and charities, and fulfills its responsibilities as a social citizen. Novatek chose the path of education and caring for the disadvantaged, because we believe that only through education can the individual and society be changed completely, creating every possibility. In addition to establishing the “Novatek Foundation”, Novatek integrates company resources and the voluntary efforts of employees, actively engaging in nurturing technology talent, promoting sports development through adoption, supporting education in disadvantaged rural areas, providing corporate volunteer services, and sponsoring social welfare initiatives. It is hoped that through such efforts, Novatek can provide more resources and create more hope for the disadvantaged and children in rural areas. Due to its long-term dedication to social participation, Novatek received the "2023 Buying Power - Social Innovation Products and Services Procurement: Third Prize in Procurement " issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, as well as the “2023 Excellent Utilization Unit in Education Volunteer Service” and the "2023 Youth Volunteer Excellent Utilization Unit" (1st Youth Volunteer Action Award)" issued by the Ministry of Education, showing positive affirmation to Novatek's long-term engagement in social participation and sustainable development.





The annual employee turnover rate was 4.96%, which is lower than the industry average turnover rate.


According to the information released by the Taiwan Stock Exchange for listed companies in 2023, Novatek’s average salary for full-time employees in non-executive positions was NT$3.712 million, and the median salary was NT$3.028 million.



Employees are entitled to a high travel subsidy of NT$63,000, with 99.1% of the Company's employees making use of this benefit.


On average, each employee received 34.4 hours of training, a 5% increase compared to the previous year.



Provided a subsidy of NT$5,000 per child per month and 15 days of work from home for parenting per year. The total amount disbursed for this benefit in 1 year reached NT$48.455 million.


Employees are entitled to 16 hours of corporate volunteer leave per year. 20 sessions of volunteer services were organized throughout the year, for a total of 3,015 volunteer hours.



The total amount of employee donations exceeded NT$13.32 million, with 46.1% of employees participating in the charity event.


"Novatek Intellectual Beauty: Gender Equality and Friendliness" course is now online, promoting and advocating the idea of workplace diversity and inclusion, as well as gender equality and friendliness.



Social investments for the year exceeded NT$50.25 million.

iSports Award

Awarded "2023 Taiwan iSports Certification" issued by Ministry of Education.


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Corporate governance is the cornerstone of enterprise’s sustainable development. Novatek attaches great importance to corporate governance. Not only does it adhere to the principle of focusing on its own business and integrity management, the Company also operates in compliance with government laws and regulations, while protecting the rights and interests of its shareholders and taking into account the interests of stakeholders. We are continuously selected for several years as a constituent stock of the "TWSE Corporate Governance 100 Index", the "FTSE4Good TIP Taiwan ESG Index", and the "TWSE RA Taiwan Employment Creation 99 Index", and ranked in the top 5% of companies for the 10th corporate governance evaluation, which is a recognition of the excellence of Novatek's corporate governance. We will continue to work hard to enable the steady and long-term development of Novatek. In 2023, we continued to deepen our efforts to protect intellectual property by introducing the ISO 27001 Information Security Management system and passing the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS) A-level verification for the second time. We also continued to provide training and promotion on ethical business practices to instill a sense of corporate ethics among all employees. Establishing and implementing corporate governance mechanisms from top to bottom that enables Novatek to develop in a long-term and stable manner is our commitment to all our stakeholders.


ISO 14064-1

TCFD Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
SASB disclosure
ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas inventory (Category 1-6) passed third-party verification

ISO 50001 Energy Management System passed third-party verification

Net-zero emissions

Officially announced the commitment to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and set goals for renewable energy use: 50% by 2030 and 100% by 2050.



Annual revenue reached NT$110.429 billion, with a profit of NT$23.318 billion.

ISO 27001

Passed the external audit for ISO 27001 Information Security Management System certification.



Passed the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS) A-level verification for 2 consecutive years.


Customer satisfaction reached 96%.


Top 5%

Ranked in the top 5% of companies in the 10th Corporate Governance Evaluation (2023).

Energy-saving chip

Dedication to energy saving and carbon reduction through active participation in the R&D and application of energy-saving products.



Attendance rate 97.5% of Board of Directors and functional committees



Corresponding Performance and goals

Novatek formulated related management strategies and short-, medium- and long-term goals according to the five major dimensions of “Corporate Governance”, “Partner’s Co-Prosperity”, “Environmental Sustainability”, “Friendly Workplace” and “Social Participation” .We set short, medium and long-term goals and presented the performance for management. For more information, please refer to the corresponding chapter.

Goals and performance


Short-term goals

1 year

Medium-term goals

1-3 years

Long-term goals

3-5 years


Annual revenue reached NT$ 110.429 billion.


Annual profit of NT$ 23.318 billion.


Top 5%

Ranked in the top 5% of the 10th corporate governance evaluations.


Collaborated with brand customers to plan cutting-edge technology in advance, resulting in fruitful R&D outcomes.


Annual integrity management promotion course completion rate for all employees was 99.87%.


Passed the Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS) A-level verification for 2 consecutive years

ISO 27001

Passed the external audit for ISO/IEC 27001:2013 information security management system certification


R&D expenses in 2023 amounted to NT$ 16.791 billion, accounting for 15.2% of the revenue.


Attendance rate of the Board of meetings reached 97.5%




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  • Continuously maintain positive profitability.
  • Maintain double-digit R&D expenses as a percentage of revenue.
  • Develop differentiated new products to create added value and continuously expand ASIC business.
  • Accelerate the adoption and mass production of OLED in various devices.
  • Expand the application fields of edge AI for SoC products.
  • Continuously invest in innovative products and technologies with higher power computing and low power consumption.
  • Rank in the top 5% of the corporate governance evaluations.
  • More than half of the Board seats are held by independent directors.
  • Female Board members account for at least one-third of total seats.
  • Director attendance at Board meetings and functional committee meetings is not less than 90%.
  • Annual integrity management promotion course completion rate for all employees: 99.5%
  • No major violations of regulations.
  • Regularly monitor and review changes in risks on a rolling basis to ensure the effectiveness of risk management plans and related control operations.
  • Continuously conduct risk management education and training.
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  • Long-term growth in the Company’s revenue and gross margin.
  • All display products are aimed towards becoming the top brand in the industry.
  • Become a trusted partner for global customers in smart imaging and display core technologies and services.
  • Lead industry specifications in product development.
  • Expand the application of SoC products to increase revenue and profitability.
  • Continuously expand ASIC business using advanced process and packaging technologies.
  • Rank in the top 5% of the corporate governance evaluations.
  • Enhance the link between director remuneration and sustainability performance.
  • No major violations of regulations.
  • Each unit conducts risk analysis, identification, assessment, and response to medium- and long-term internal/external changes, reducing risks and achieving goals for the Company.


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  • Leverage external resources to continuously explore new business and investment opportunities.
  • Increase the Company's long-term investment value.
  • Become a trusted partner for global customers in smart imaging and display core technologies and services.
  • Focus on the integration of the Company’s core technology with sustainable development, and strive to develop innovative products with high performance and low power consumption.
  • Rank in the top 5% of the corporate governance evaluations.
  • Continue to improve the management mechanism of each functional committee and strengthen the corporate governance of the Board of Directors.
  • No major violations of regulations.
  • Pursue sustainable development for the Company.