Sustainability Strategy Blueprint

In September 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the 2030 sustainable development agenda. In achieving these goals of sustainable development, apart from relying on the power between nations, enterprises will also play an indispensable role. As a global citizen and an important member of the semiconductor industry chain, Novatek endeavors to combine corporate sustainable development with the SDGs, jointly seeking a better, more sustainable future through its own goals and efforts. Novatek selected 16 priority goals from the 17 SDGs. Regarding potential risks or opportunities for SDGs arising from operational activities, relevant countermeasures will be actively developed in the future.


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Strategies and Goals

After completing the identification of SDGs in the value chain, Novatek formulated related management strategies according to the material issues corresponding to the SDGs. Based on the period of SDGs and the content of SDG targets, we presented the annual performance for management. For more information, please refer to the corresponding chapter (section).


SDGs Targets



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SDGs Targets

  • 3.4 Promote mental health through prevention and treatment
  • 3.8 Quality essential healthcare services
  • 3.d Strengthen health risk management capacity

Corresponding chapter

  • 5.3 Healthy workplace
  • 6.1 Community empowerment


6 times

Committed to promoting a healthy workplace, improving employees’ independent health management, and reducing health risks; awarded the “Healthy Workplace Certification Mark” by the Health Promotion Administration, MOHW for 6 times in a row.

EAPs for 21 years

Provided Employee Assistance Program and counseling services for the 21st consecutive year, with a total of 2,639 services provided.

211 services

In 2023, a total of 83 visits of physicians for on-site consultation services were conducted in the Company, with a total of 211 health consultation services offered to take care of the physical and mental health of our employees.


Employees are entitled to a high travel subsidy of NT$63,000, with 99.1% of the Company's employees making use of this benefit.


The re-examination rate of major abnormalities in health check reached 100%.


The employee's voluntary participation rate for health promotion activities reached 88.1%.


Supported social welfare organizations and disadvantaged children development; a total of NT$9.226 million was sponsored.


Received the “2023 Taiwan iSports Certification” from the Ministry of Education.